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Home - Event Assemblies-Virtue Class

vc1.pngMy Grandma once wrote an article for the “VIRTUE” magazine about what it was like to be a girl growing up in the 1900’s. She was 82 when she wrote it and in the article she wrote things like, “I didn’t know any girl who smoked or drank alcohol” and “marriage in my time was for keeps.” “Divorce was rare, living together without marriage was unheard of, having a baby outside of marriage was a disgrace, abortion was illegal” and “we didn’t show a lot of skin when we dressed.”

Well, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that things in our nation today are not even comparable to what they used to be for a young woman growing up in our country. Most girls, if you asked them, would not even know what the word “virtuous” means let alone the Biblical calling for all women to be virtuous. In the VIRTUE class, we teach these young women what it means to be a “virtuous woman.” Our goal is to use the word of God (and more specifically Proverbs 31) to show them what VIRTUE is and the role it should play in their lives. We do this by specifically dealing with the many issues facing teen girls today; issues such as boys, purity, the beauty of a spotless bride, the choices you make, sowing and reaping, true beauty (which can only be found within), the heart they hold inside and more.

Using different analogies, role-plays and volunteers from the audience, the class is not only humorous and fun, but also hits home by dealing with the serious subjects that each young girl will have to face. By confronting these issues head on and bringing the light of truth to shine upon each subject, understanding, clarity and hope begin to give light to their hearts and a new way of thinking to their minds. Girls who are dealing with the on going peer pressures to fit in and be a part of the crowd, follow what they see on TV and who are really trying to find out who they are, are given a message like none other seen today with absolutes, morals and truth.

We deal with not only the problems they face, but give them the answers and knowledge they need to make the right decisions in their lives the first time, rather than living with regret and having to go back and deal with past mistakes later. We let them know there is hope and forgiveness in Christ even if bad choices have already been made, and give them the tools they need to get back on the right path. For those who are already making good choices, it is a re-enforcement and an encouragement for them to keep standing for what they know in their hearts are right, no matter how many others around them may fall. In these school-age years, these young women will be making decisions that will either enhance, and make them ready to face the future, or destroy their futures all together. The VIRTUE class reaches them at that crucial point in their decision-making, and is a must for all teen girls today.


VirtueClass Audio